The Muslim World Conflict is Coming Soon
Watch for the signs of the last days in the bible kjv scriptures
August 2022
Christian churches in Iran
Right now, Israel is being attacked by Iran's proxies. Iran is in revival. Many Muslims have come to the Lord, and many more coming. They are tired of their Komani.. 500 Masques shut down since there are many Christians.
Who is Imam Mahdi, According to the Quran?
Iran wants the Mahdi and believes they need to remove Israel so that the Mahdi can return and punish the world that does not receive Mahammad or Mahdi, their God - Allah.
Iran is very militant Shiite, while Saudi Arabia is Sunni. They believe differently about the Mahdi. Because of that, they have religious conflicts with one another.
Revelations 13 16 18 Explained
When you look at the beast's body, it shows three nations: Iran - the bear, Iraq the Lion, and the Leopard - Greece, which is now Turkey. The Antichrist - Mahdi from Allah, will use the Islamic people to kill those who do not accept Islam as their religion.
The beast out of the earth
The Shiites believe in the 12-imam that will defeat Israel and ride a white horse into Israel. They also think Jesus was only a prophet. They believe that Allah saved Jesus from the cross and been in heaven with Allah on his right hand. When Jesus comes back, the false prophet, he will show the world the real word of God. Those who do not bow to the Mahdi will be executed. Allah, the God of Abraham, does not love everyone and hates those who reject Allah.
Who is the Imam Mahdi according to the Quran vs. the Bible
Mahdi is to come to judge the world. Those who live will bow down to the false god, Satan. They believe Mahdi will be on earth for seven years during the execution of Jews and Christians. Do you see that Muhammad was met with a false angel and Allah is Satan? The world will suffer under the hands of Islam. The Antichrist will use the Islamic people to do the killing on the earth.
We are in a very different time. When Ukraine broke into war, I asked the Lord, should we worry about that war? The Lord told me to keep my eyes on Israel, that a great war is coming, and out of the war will be a peace treaty. That peace treaty will be orchestrated by the Antichrist - a Muslim. He will be very Charismatic and use flattery and lies.
The Iranian Shiites believe in the 12-Mahdi that he is already on the earth but hidden until a specific time. He is the antichrist.
Why Rome Is Not Daniel's Fourth Kingdom
Power source - Its power, throne, and authority come from Satan. Rev. 2:12-16
Strong - It is a kingdom that is strong, terrifying, dreadful, crushing, trampling down, breaking in pieces, and devouring the earth.
In Daniel 7:7, “devour” means conquering militarily, geographically, culturally, and religiously, and changing languages. (Islam, however, does all this.)
In Revelation 20:4, those who had not worshipped the beast or accepted the mark had been beheaded. Rome did not do this, but Islam beheads those who do not convert.
Daniel 2:41 says the last kingdom will be divided. After Mohammed, his empire was divided into Sunni and Shia. Even today, like in Iraq, we see much of the violence is betw
The Muslim Empire, led by the Caliphate, conquered the Byzantine Empire in 1453, but as the Turkish Ottoman Empire, it ended in 1924. If it revives, it could fulfill Revelation 13:3; 17:8, 11. Rome should have done this.
Rome left the borders of the Greek Empire largely intact. The Greek language continued to be the dominant language of the Roman Empire, and the Romans did not destroy the Greek gods. They even embraced them and gave them Latin names. We see that the Greek Hellenistic culture continued under the Roman Empire. Rome did not "crush" Greece, as depicted in Daniel's vision of the fourth empire. The fourth empire of Daniel's vision must be another empire besides Rome.
Can you see the truth of this? Can you see what is going to come to threaten the entire world? Look at Iran? The United States gave them away to make nuclear bombs, and they will use these bombs against nations.
Imam Mahdi Signs
We will know this is coming as we see Iran wave the black flag. When this happens, chaos is on the earth. Increased killings and destruction. America will become weakened and, in the latter days, not be able to help Israel. Israel will win against the Palestinians, but someone will rise up to bring peace between Israel and Palestinian countries.
The Muslim faith is against Israel, and the Palestinians never ever plan to share the nation together. Israel is seven times willing to partide the country, but the Muslims would rather see Israel destroyed in Israel and around the world.