Zechariah 4-6, Visions of Future Glory
Zechariah is still receiving his repeated visions from the Lord. In the first three chapters, we saw the visions speak of encouragement for the present, then move to motivation in the promise of the Messiah. In chapters 4-6, I believe we see the same movement. The early visions of chapter four will encourage the people for the present fulfillment of God’s blessings. But as we move closer to chapter 6, we will see the visions begin to give encouragement concerning the promised future fulfillment of God’s blessings through Jesus Christ.
Chapter 4 - Vision of the Gold Lampstand and Two Olive Trees
The lampstand (4:1-10)
Chapter 4 opens with the angel who had been talking with Zechariah in the previous visions returning to him and asking him what he sees. Zechariah responds that he sees a solid gold lampstand with a bowl at the top and seven lights on it. Further, Zechariah sees two olive trees by it, one on each side. Zechariah then asks the angel what these things are, or more correctly, what these things mean. The lampstand here is something that would have been well-known to the Jews. The Hebrew word for “lampstand” is the menorah, which is the word used for the lampstand to be placed in the Tabernacle as instructed by God in Exodus 25 and 37. However, there are a couple of distinguishing attributes of this lampstand that Zechariah sees versus that which was in the Tabernacle. The lampstand that Zechariah sees has a bowl at the top of it. Further, this lampstand has seven channels feeding into it so that oil can be poured from the two olive branches (4:12).
The angel answers Zechariah: this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel (4:6). The lampstand and its oil represent the word of the Lord. In this case, the word of the Lord is to be given to Zerubbabel. The message of the word of the Lord is “not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.” The vision to Zechariah is a message of encouragement to Zerubbabel. Remember that Zerubbabel was the leader of the first return of the exiles from captivity in 536 B.C. Under his leadership, he worked with the people to rebuild the temple. The temple foundation was quickly laid, but because of political problems, the temple was never completed. Sixteen years have now passed, and the temple is still not completed.
Imagine the discouragement Zerubbabel must have felt in trying to get the people to work for 16 years without success. The word of the Lord has come to tell Zerubbabel it is God’s will to complete the work. The temple will be finished not because of human might or power but through the will of God. The Lord proves His point in verse 7 by saying that the mighty mountain has been level ground. Thus, all of the obstacles standing in the way of the temple’s completion are now removed.
Further, Zerubbabel will be part of the finishing process, for he will lay the capstone of the temple. In verses 8-10 we see that the word of the Lord explicitly tells us that this is the meaning of the lampstand. Zerubbabel had laid the foundation for the temple, and now he can finish the work. Nothing will stop the work, for God has proposed its completion. There would be great joy and shouts of “grace to it” when Zerubbabel picked up the plumb line and finished the work.
The two olive trees (4:11-14)
But Zechariah wants to know the meaning of the two olive branches standing to the right and left of the lampstand. The angel responds that these two branches are “the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth.” The general consensus among commentators is that these two anointed ones are Joshua and Zerubbabel. As the high priest for the people, Joshua was to be anointed according to the law. The king, inferred to be Zerubbabel acting as governor, was appointed according to the law. This interpretation has some difficulties, which James Burton Coffman expresses in his commentary. The problems to me are twofold. First, Zerubbabel was not king and was not an anointed one in the sense of the vision.
Further, how can Zerubbabel and Joshua be the branches feeding the oil to the lampstand, which we have noticed is the word of God? Second, Revelation 11:4-6 uses the exact description of the two olive branches but gives us more description. There we see that the two who stand before the Lord are those who “have the power to shut the sky, that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have the power over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague, as often as they desire” (Revelation 11:6).
These are apparent descriptions of the powers Elijah and Moses exert, respectively. These two are a representation of the law and prophets. It makes more sense that these two provide the oil into the lampstand in the vision. The law and the prophets are the words of God, and the promises of God’s word were now going to pass. What previous prophets like Ezekiel and Daniel prophesied about rebuilding is currently occurring. This understanding helps round out the meaning of the vision. God’s word would come to pass, and the promises of God would be upheld. Zerubbabel’s work would be accomplished. God was leveling the obstacles that stood in the way of His people serving Him.
Chapter 5
Vision of the flying scroll (5:1-4)
Zechariah now looks and sees a flying scroll. The scroll’s length was 30 feet, and its width was 15 feet. It is interesting to note, at the least, that these are the exact dimensions of Solomon's porch built before the temple's entrance. The flying scroll is also the precise dimensions of the Holy Place of the Tabernacle. Since the size is the same as these two things, we are likely seeing the communication of the law and holiness in these dimensions. The flying scroll represents the curse that goes over the whole land against those who steal and those who swear falsely. In this vision, we have a reminder that sin will not be tolerated and a warning against those who would be careless with the law of God. The people of Israel had been in captivity for 70 years because of such carelessness, and it seems that some of the people were relapsing into those same errors.
Vision of a woman in a basket (5:5-11)
Zechariah now looks and sees a basket that is going out. This basket represented the iniquity of the land. As Zechariah is looking, he sees the lead lid of the basket lifted, and inside is a woman. The woman represents wickedness, is thrust back into the basket, and the lid is thrust back down. Two women came and lifted up the basket between heaven and earth. Zechariah asks where the two women are taking the basket. The angel responds that it is going to the land of Shinar to build a house for it.
This vision has a couple of points to understand. First, we see the removal of the sins of the people. Their sins had been tremendous and grievous against the Lord, causing His anger to burn hot and destroy them. The people have returned from their punishment in captivity, and God is showing them that those sins have been removed and taken to a faraway land. The other point in the vision is that a growing wickedness is developing in Shinar. Shinar is known as the first world kingdom found by Nimrod in Genesis 10:10-11. But Shinar was also a reference to Babylon. Though by this point, Babylon had been conquered by Persia, Shinar, and Babylon still stood as a reference for the world nations of wickedness that stand against God. In Revelation, we see the use of the name Babylon to represent a wicked world power that stood against God’s kingdom. In this vision, we are getting a glimpse that the evil powers have not been eradicated yet, even though the people’s sins are removed, and they are built in Jerusalem.
Chapter 6
The vision of four chariots (6:1-8)
Zechariah now looks and sees four chariots from between two bronze mountains. The first chariot had red horses, the second had black horses, the third had white horses, and the fourth had dappled horses. Zechariah asks the angel what these are. The angel responds that these are the going out of the four winds of heaven. They are also described as those who patrol the earth, as seen earlier in Zechariah 1. The use of the four winds of heaven is an image of judgment. Jeremiah 49:36, “Against Elam I will bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and scatter them toward all those winds.” In Revelation 7:1 we see the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, restraining the four winds until the servants of God are sealed. Again, this was an image of holding off judgment until the people of God were marked for protection. Therefore, in this vision, we see God's decisions going out against the world nations. In the last vision of the woman in the basket, we saw that the wicked nations would not be shattered yet. Now, in the vision of the four chariots, we see the judgments going out against these wicked nations. In Zechariah 1 we see the horsemen patrolling the earth and reporting that all is at rest. Now we see the report that the judgments of God are being poured out. The rest of this chapter shows us how God’s judgments were coming.
The crown for Joshua (6:9-15)
We are not told that Zechariah is seeing a vision in this section. Therefore, Zechariah is performing a picture sermon, such as Ezekiel did by laying on his side for 390 days and 40 days for the sins of Israel and Judah. Zechariah is going to act out some things to represent future glory. Zechariah is told to take silver and gold from the exiles and make a crown. Then, he is to set the height on the head of Joshua, the high priest. In performing this act, Zechariah would say, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, Behold, the man whose name is the Branch: for he shall branch out from his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord.” We have already seen the name of the Branch used in Zechariah 3:8, who would remove the people's sins in a single day. The Branch is, therefore, an apparent reference to the Messiah, Jesus. Notice the descriptions of the Branches in this passage.
He shall branch out from this place. The prophecy says that the Messiah would come from among His own people. This would be a reminder of the prophecy of Isaiah, who said, “For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of the dry ground” (Isaiah 53:2). God is reiterating His promise of the Messiah.
He shall build the temple of the Lord. Zechariah had already prophesied that Zerubbabel would place the capstone on the temple and complete its building. Therefore, Zechariah is prophesying a spiritual temple that the Messiah would build. Ephesians 2:19-22 says, “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”
He shall bear royal honor/clothed in majesty. Hebrews 2:9 says, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone.” Through His sacrifice, the Messiah would receive great glory and honor.
He shall sit and rule on His throne. Acts 2:30 says, “Therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, He would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne.” When Christ was resurrected, He sat on the throne and ruled in His kingdom.
He shall be a priest on His throne. This is the meaning of the action sermon of Zechariah. To place the crown on Joshua was a sign that there would be a high priest who would reign as king. Of course, under the old covenant, this was not possible. The king came from the tribe of Judah, and the priests came from the tribe of Levi. However, Zechariah prophesied that there would be a high priest to rule on the throne. In Hebrews 5:5-10 the writer shows us that Christ was a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was the high priest of God and king of Salem, and after this order, Jesus Christ would rule as king and high priest in the house of God. This would not cause a state of war, but there would be peace and harmony as Christ would unite the two offices.
Those who are far off shall come and help to build the temple of the Lord. The phrase “those who are far off” refers to the Gentiles. In Acts 2:39, Peter said, “The promise is to you and your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” Jews and Gentiles would participate in the building of the Lord’s house as all who would come to Him would be spiritual stones (1 Peter 2:5).
The chapter concludes with, “and you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.” This is the same structure we saw in Zechariah 2:11. The Messiah is speaking so that the people would know that the Lord had sent him to them. This again proves that these promises were messianic and fulfilled in the Messiah's days.
Final Lessons
Jesus, the perfect fulfillment of prophecy
In these chapters, we see that Jesus is the only person who could fulfill the prophecies concerning the Messiah. Jesus had to fulfill the law so that no curse could be placed upon Him, rendering His sacrifice ineffective. Jesus is the only person who could trace His lineage back and reign as a king and yet still offer mediation for us as a high priest. We ought to not only be in awe of the perfect life that He led, but we genuinely need to be in awe that there was a person who could come and fulfill all of these things. The Jews did not think that the Messiah could be embodied in one person because there were so many prophecies concerning what He would do. Yet Jesus was able to be born in the little town of Bethlehem, grow up in Nazareth, accurately teaching concerning the kingdom of God, live according to the law of Moses, teach as someone who had authority from God, establish God’s kingdom through His death, resurrection, ascension, sending the Holy Spirit, and shattering the world nations.
Jesus, who could ascend to heaven itself and enter the true tabernacle of God and make sacrifice for our sins on the mercy seat of God. Jesus, who could ascend into heaven and sit down on the throne of God and be given all power and rule. Jesus was the only answer to the mystery of how Jews could have salvation from their sins and how Gentiles could be brought near to God, creating a new humanity and creation known as the Christian. Who else could fulfill all of these prophecies? Who else could possibly have dared to try? We see the hand of God working miraculously and providentially to bring about the Lamb of God, who takes away the world's sins.
Jesus, the perfect judge of the enemies
Chapter 6 also depicts the judgment upon the enemies of God. Jesus has established His kingdom, and it has already been prophesied that He will rule until all the enemies are destroyed. Many of the enemies of God have already been destroyed. History has shown the fall of Assyria, the fall of Babylon, the fall of Persia, the fall of Greece, the fall of the Jewish kingdom, and the fall of Rome. All of these events were prophesied in the scriptures. Who would be crazy enough to stand against the kingdom of Jesus Christ?
The outcome is sure—defeat. It is the same as what we think when we see Iraqi armies going against the armies of the United States. Iraq was outmanned, outgunned, and resoundingly lost the battle. Those that were wise surrendered to the forces of the United States. We are outgunned and outmanned by the kingdom of God. We cannot stand against it and succeed. We may think we are achieving in living the way we like right now. But the outcome is assured, and the battle is won. Will we be wise and surrender to the Lord? Zechariah 6:15 says, “…if you will diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.” Surrender is not defeat. Surrender is victory, for the Lord has promised to give us the spoils of His victory in Ephesians 4:7-8. Obey the Lord today and be joined with the Messiah in winning.
Olive trees play a prominent role in scripture; not only are they the source of oil for the light in the Temple, but the doors of the Temple were made from Olive trees, as well as the carved Cherubs that covered the Mercy Seat in the Temple. (I Kings 6:23, 31-33).
The Mount of Olives, which stands opposite Jerusalem, facing the Temple’s East Gate, plays a prominent role in scripture. King David climbed the Mount of Olives crying as he was rejected by the people in favor of his rebellious son Absalom (2 Sam. 15:30). Upon the Mount, Jesus was taken into Heaven on a cloud.
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