Showing posts with label living stones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living stones. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We are living stones

We are the Living Stones Through Jesus Christ

Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:22–25 that Y’shua [Jesus] is the Bridegroom and we are the

Bride of Messiah. The Bride has a dress that is without a spot or wrinkle – this dress is

made up of each “Living Stone” that forms the Bride of Messiah. Your End-time purpose is
to ensure that your marriage – ONE Living Stone – truly represents the calling …

• Of a special treasure,

• A royal priesthood and,

• A holy nation.
Retaking the Garden.

Mankind was given a mandate to “rule” the earth. Rulership, from a world system, means

that some are “bosses” and the rest are laborers … or even slaves.
We are called to be “set apart”. Your marriage must therefore look, sound, feel, different to

those in the world. We both therefore have to commit to the task of:

• Dressing the Garden and,

• Keeping the Garden.

The moment we have both of these two elements in action at the same time, we start to

Retake the Garden of Eden.
What does it mean to “dress”?

Stong’s 5647: abad (712b); a prim. root; to work, serve:— become slaves(1), been slaves(1),

bondage(2), burdened(2), cultivate(7), cultivated(2), cultivates(1), do(6), do the work(1),

enslaved(3), given(1), holding in bondage(1), imposed(1), keep(2), labor(3), laborers (2), make

servant(1), make slaves(2), manufacturers(1), observe(1), perform(9), performed(2), plowed(1),

rendered(1), serve(141), served(52), serves(2), serving(5), slave(1), slaves(1), subject(1), till(1),

tiller(1), tiller(1), tills(2), use as slaves(1), used(1), uses services(1), work(7), worked(2),

workers(2), working(1), worship(7), worshipers(6).
“Abad” means:

• To work in any sense,

• To serve and become a servant,

• To be a worshipper.

To dress the garden of your marriage means that you will be 100% committed to serve as

an act of worshipping God at the time, irrespective of the circumstances!
What does it mean to “keep”?

Strong’s 8104: shamar (1036b); a prim. root; to keep, watch, preserve:— attend(4), being

careful(1), beware(8), bodyguard (1), careful(32), careful to keep(1), cares(1), charge(4),

confine(1), confined(1), defending(1), did(1), diligently keep(1), doorkeeper(1), doorkeepers(4),

gatekeepers(1), give heed(2), giving heed(1), guard(20), guarded(7), guards(4), guardsmen(1), have

charge(1), heed to yourself and keep(1), heeds(1), hoarded(1), indignant(1), keep(156), keeper(8),

keepers(2), keeping(10), keeps(19), kept(38), kept watch(2), maintained(1), mark(2), observe(30),

observed(6), observes(1), observing(1), officers(2), pay attention(1), perform(3), performed(1),

performing(2), preserve(5), preserved(3), preserves(6), protect(4), protects(1), regard(3), regards(2),

remains(1), reserved(1), secured(1), sentries(1), spare(1), spies(1), take care(1), take heed(5), take

note(1), take...heed(1), waiting(1), waits(1), watch(11), watched(1), watches(3), watching(3),

watchman(4), watchmen(7).
“Shamar” means:

• To build a fence or a hedge, as with thorns,

• To protect,

• To narrowly observe, and be a watchmen.

To keep the garden of your marriage means that you will always be alert to:

• Strategies from the kingdom of darkness.

• Attractions from the world system.

• The serpent – in whatever form he materializes – when he comes to ask … “did

God say?”
We need to clarify.

Men, due to their physical strength and abilities, need to focus on:

• Providing,

• Protecting,

• And so forth.

Women, due to their strengths and abilities to nurture, need to focus on:

• Nurturing,

• Mothering,

• And so forth.
What we speak of here is the joint responsibility of both partners who labor to present the

union of ONE Living Stone, radiant and pure before the Lord. Often we find the symbolism

of the Shepherd that looks after sheep. As a union of two like-minded people, we too are

ONE shepherd …

• Looking after the integrity and purity of the marriage.

• Looking after the “harvest” of the union (sons and daughters).

• Looking after the “seed” ensuring that it still reflects the attributes of the Kingdom of


As ONE shepherd – both husband and wife – need to be equipped to handle every

circumstance. How do we do this? Every shepherd needs the following equipment:
1. We carry a staff.

The staff represents our ability/willingness to:

• Pull others out of trouble spots.

• Guide others along a path of righteousness.

• To be a beacon of direction in a fast changing world.

• Show compassion to those who are weaker.
2. We carry a stick.

The stick is a stout piece of timber to be used to ward off any attack from dangerous

animals. In the spiritual realm this is represented by:

• The unconditional love that I give to my spouse and children and the ever-open

hands to welcome the lost back into the fold.

• The security that I make around the family by the manner in which each challenge

is dealt with.

• The shalom [peace] that I bring as I make sure that others always see themselves

as more important than “things”.

3. We carry a sling.

The sling was used to take up a position of battle and meant that oncoming “warfare” could

be stopped in its tracks. In the spiritual realm of the marriage this is represented by:

• The manner in which I go about doing spiritual warfare on behalf of the family.

• The petitions and intercession prayer sessions that are done in order to guide and

defend the family.
4. We carry a pouch.

The shepherd uses the pouch to keep life-giving food or medicines and herbs in so that

the sheep will always be strong. In the marriage this is represented by:

• How we wash each other with the Water of the Word.

• How we fast for specific needs.

• How we empower each other to reach for the realization of the dreams that God

has given us.

The groom enters with both parents and comes to stand before the chuppah. His father

blesses him, and the groom moves under the chuppah.

The bride then enters with both parents. Her father and mother speak a blessing.

Genesis 24:60 “60 And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, You are our sister; may

you become the mother of thousands of ten thousands, and let your posterity possess the

gate of their enemies (those who hate them).”

Just after the parents have blessed the bride, she turns towards the chuppah. The

bridegroom steps out from under the chuppah and lifts the veil to check if it’s his bride. He

makes sure that he is not getting the wrong sister like Jacob!


The bride will give a tallit to her bridegroom. The tallit has thirty-two strings. In the

Hebrew alphabet, the Hebrew word for “heart” also equals thirty-two. The tallit represents

protection against outside sexual temptation:

Numbers 15:39 “They shall be tassels for you, and you shall look at them and not be

tempted after your hearts and after your eyes.”

So what the bride is saying is … “I will cover your heart.”

The chuppah – which can be made from a tallit – is the covering under which a couple

stand for the marriage ceremony. This chuppah, which today is represented by a prayer

shawl, reflects the Glory of God.

Isaiah 4:5 “5 And the Lord will create over the whole site, over every dwelling place of

Mount Zion and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a

flaming fire by night; for over all the glory shall be a canopy (a defence of divine love and


Isaiah 43:7 “7 Even everyone who is called by My Name, whom I have created for My

glory, whom I have formed, whom I have made.”

The chuppah is a declaration of the intent of the couple. Firstly, the chuppah has four

poles. These are held up by four men of integrity and value. Four friends of the couple who

have made the commitment to stand with and for them. Secondly, the chuppah represents

their home. It has open sides all the way around – signifying that they are transparent, that

their home is open for all, that they are humble and that their home is open for God to

come in and dwell.
Consecration of %eir lov$

The lightning of the three candles is to symbolize:

• Firstly, it indicates that we have the Light of Y’shua [Jesus] in our lives and we are

prepared to witness to that.

• Secondly, we also indicate to the congregation that two family bloodlines are joining

to create ONE new bloodline.

• Thirdly, we show the world that we are not a separate couple on our own but that

we are part of a family, a community.

Lighting of three candles is performed by:

• The bridegroom and his family light one candle,

• The bride and her family light another candle,

• And the final – middle – candle is lit by both the bridegroom and bride.


Before the witnesses, the bridegroom will share a cup of the covenant with his bride as he

asks her to marry him, just as Y’shua [Jesus] did in Luke 22:20, where He answered on

the promise of Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:8-10. The bridegroom drinks and gives

the cup to his bride, and then to his whole family. The significance of the whole family is

that the couple recognizes and honors the family as a community. When the bride drinks of

the cup, she shows that she has accepted the proposal.


Typically the “pastor” or rabbi will speak or perhaps give a sermon. After this the bride will

encircle her bridegroom seven times. This custom symbolizes:

• The seven days of creation,

• The home the couple will create together,

• The wall of protection the bride will create around her groom.

The bride will then put the ring on the forefinger of her right hand. She will show the

witnesses. This is a remembrance of Moses blessing to the people:

Deuteronomy 33:2-3 “2 He said, The Lord came from Sinai and beamed upon us from

Seir; He flashed forth from Mount Paran, from among ten thousands of holy ones, a

flaming fire, a law, at His right hand. 3 Yes, He loves [the tribes] His people; all those

consecrated to Him are in Your hand. They followed in Your steps; they [accepted Your

word and] received direction from You,”

The bridegroom will give something [typically a ring] of great value, just as Y’shua [Jesus]

gave us great value.
John 14:13 “13 And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as

presenting all that I AM], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the


Points to remember regarding the rings:

• The ring must belong to the groom.

• It changes status of the bride. It also gives her authority, as in the same way as

Pharaoh gave his ring to Joseph.

• It is a milestone and memorial at all times – even the bad times – a symbol of


• Has no beginning and no end, and therefore represents the couple’s faith.

• Represent the union – the creative force – to extend God’s Commandment.

• Space inside is holy – sanctified.

Blessing over the rings:

“These rings will be a sign of their love and commitment which they make today and may

their marriage reflect God’s Message of the Bride of Messiah.”

Legal agreement.

The “pastor” or rabbi will ask the traditional questions – “do you take … ” The groom will

take the veil off from his bride, they will exchange rings, and then end the ceremony with a


!e mar"a& contract … ' ketubah!

The ketubah – the written declaration of the groom’s intention to protect and care for his

bride – is read aloud in the presence of all the witnesses. The ketubah should be the

words of the groom’s heart, and should be a “special” marriage document for the bride to

keep and even frame.

Exodus 24:7 “7 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the hearing of the

people; and they said, All that the Lord has said we will do, and we will be obedient.”

This is equivalent to Moses and the people who keep the Word of God, physically and



Seven people of significance to the couple then speak words of blessing over the newly

married couple. This is to declare their purpose and destiny, and to proclaim blessings

over the couple. These prayers are an example of the principle to be prayed. Each one of

the seven friends or family members who steps up to pray should speak from their heart

and declare the Word.

1. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who has created everything for His

Glory. I pray that ____________ and _____________ will be blessed with humility,

gratitude and the Wisdom of God.

2. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who created humankind, Who

created _____________ and _____________ and Who blessed them with the Holy

Spirit and the gift of creativity to meet their purpose and destiny.

3. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who fashioned ______________

and ______________ in His Image and after His Own Likeness He created them

and prepared for Him, out of His Very Self, an Eternal Soul through Y’shua [Jesus],

and yet remembered the uniqueness of each one of them.

4. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who brings intense joy and

exultation to the mothers through the ingathering of their children. I pray that You

will bless _________________ and _____________ with fertility. Blessed are You,

our God, Who gladdens parents through their children.

5. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who makes these beloved

companions, _______________ and ________________, to greatly rejoice, as You

gladden Your creatures in the Garden of Eden. Blessed are You, our God, Who

gladdens the groom and bride, we pray that their love will hold and support them.

6. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who created joy and gladness,

groom and bride, mirth, happy songs, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, shalom

[peace] and companionship. May _____________ and _____________ be blessed

with these in abundance. I pray that the voice of gladness and joy will soon be

heard in every city and in Jerusalem when the voice of the Groom and Bride will

proclaim your complete salvation through Y’shua [Jesus] the Messiah.

7. Blessed are You, our God, King of the Universe, Who created the fruit of the vine. I

pray that Your Hand of provision will be extended to them and that the fruit thereof

will be blessed.

Rededication of your marriage
1. Read to each other the ketubah you have written.

2. Make a prophetic declaration of God’s Word. Bless each other from God’s Word …

and make your End-Time declaration.


At the marriage ceremony at Mount Sinai, God tells us:

• He has delivered us, taken us out of Egypt [the world], and has carried us out on

eagle’s wings.

Exodus 19:4 “4 You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on

eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself.”

God says “if we obey” – are committed to the covenantal marriage – then …

Exodus 19:5 “5 Now therefore, if you will obey My voice in truth and keep My covenant,

then you shall be My own peculiar possession and treasure from among and above all

peoples; for all the earth is Mine.”

We reply and say “I do”.

Exodus 19:8 “8 And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord has

spoken we will do. And Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord.”

After this, God says …

“You will become … ”

Genesis 19:5-6 “ … 5 Now therefore, if you will obey My voice in truth and keep My

covenant, then you shall be My own peculiar possession and treasure from among and

above all peoples; for all the earth is Mine. 6 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests,

a holy nation [consecrated, set apart to the worship of God]. These are the words you shall

speak to the Israelites.”

We choose to declare God’s Words of End-Time Purpose.

You have rededicated your marriage today – you have made God the Senior Partner in

this covenant.

You have declared “we will do and we will hear” – sh’ma – listen, understand, and


God says:

1. You are a segullah, a particular treasure, a wealthy jewel.

Strong’s 5459: segullah (688c); from an unused word; possession, property:— possession(5),

treasure(2), treasured possession(1).

We can say that you will be valuable diamond – a stone that has been formed in the heat

of tribulations, but you are protected from the system of this world.

As ONE Living Stone [marriage], you will reflect this as you journey in step to God’s Song

of Cycles, Seasons, and Feasts.


2. You are a kingdom of priests.

Strong’s 4428: melek (572d); from an unused word; king:— King(253), king(1730), King’s(6),

king’s(241), kingdom(1), Kings(41), kings(241), kings’(2), royal(5).

• You have dominion,

• You reign as kings,

• You are the principle officers.

We can say that your position of authority has been allocated, and your territory has been


As ONE Living Stone [marriage], you will reflect this through the evidence that you sh’ma

[hear, do, and keep] God’s Commandments and Directions.

3. You are a holy nation.

Strong’s 6918: qadosh (872c); from the same as 6944; sacred, holy:— consecrated(1), Holy(8),

holy(50), Holy One(44), holy one(3), holy ones(6), one is holy(1), saints(2).

Strong’s 1471: goy (156c); from the same as 1458; nation, people:— every nation(2),

Gentiles(1), Goiim(1), Harosheth-hagoyim (3), herds(1), nation(120), nations(425), people(4).

Qadosh [holy] Goy [nation]

Sacred, Foreign nation,

Saintly, Gentile,

Sanctuary Troop

We can say that even though you were previously a Gentile and foreigner to the covenant,

that your holy lifestyle has turned your ONE Living Stone into a sacred sanctuary where

God’s Presence can dwell.

As ONE Living Stone [marriage], you will reflect this as you show God’s Light of love,

faithfulness, and shalom [peace] as a reflection to all of the pagan nations around you.

In sealing this rededication, we encourage you as a couple to partake of communion. And

then …

Dance! Celebrate with joy!

Rejoice as ONE before the LORD!

River of Life Family Church, Vanderbijlpark

Pastor Edward Gibbens

Contact: Sharmain Joubert

Personal Assistant to Pastors Edward and Dalene Gibbens

River of Life Family Church


South Africa
e send off!
e mar"a& contract … ' ketubah
e mar"a& ceremony
e proposal … sanctification.
e ceremony.

Traci Morin
Touch of God International Ministries of Healing and Deliverance - A Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from bondages