Showing posts with label time is short. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time is short. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Biblical Prophecy Signs of the Times

Biblical Prophecy Signs of the Times

Time is short, church.  Things are winding up and down.  What to expect to see:

  1. The Middle East will continue to be a hotbed for many months.  It is the hotbed to start WW III shortly. Watch Israel - when it goes to war, it will start to begin the actions and words said in the bible. 
  2. You are going to see riots in the United States.  What is happening in Wisconsin is only the seed.
  3. Groups of other people are going to start rioting.
  4. Nations besides the Middle East are going to start rioting.
  5. The game's name is Chaos, to set the stage for the end and the Antichrist.
  6. Gas is going to continue to rise to $9.00 a gallon.
  7. More people laid off
  8. More desperation
  9. More murders and people stealing
  10. Children and teenagers going out of control
  11. The earth is going to become very dark and wicked.
It is time for the church to come together in prayer.  My children think rioting and voicing or voting will make a difference. 

The only thing that is going to make a difference is prayer.  If my people will pray and repent, I will move.  It will have to become desperate before the church comes together to pray.

In the first part of January, I heard the Lord say shifting and realignment.  He told me it is a time for any country or dictator to come out.  It is a time for the world to become one and set the stage for the Antichrist.  It is a time for countries not aligned to the New World Order.

Watch North Korea, watch Columbia, watch Venezuela.

Watch the borders of America and watch Mexico.  It is all speeding up, and crime and drugs are going to prevail.  The people will become drunk with fornication and drunkenness.

It is time for the church to become the bride and prepare like the bride. 

The church, as a whole, is going to lose freedom.  It is time to seek my face and repent for your sins.  It is time to deal with bitterness, envy, and jealousy and start uniting as a body of Christ. 

It is time to gather together in assembly and purify yourself before me.  Time is short, and you do not know the time or the hour. 

When I come, there will be great peace after the chaos.  Watch and see it is a false peace.  Don't fall for the trap.

It is a time for the church to prepare for my coming and prepare for me to strengthen them in the dark hour.  Remember, I'm the one who takes care of my children.  I'm the one, and suffering will be short.  Time is short, and despair will be short. Stay caught up with the system, government, and money.

Traci Morin
Touch of God International Ministries - a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - A Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from bondages

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Time is Short

Time is short. It is time to get a strategy in prayer.

This revival is false and not of God. They will be blinded to the time and drunk and unprepared for what is coming. They will be caught off guard.

It is the time to prepare spiritually. It is time to prepare spiritually, church. It is time time to pray and against. It is time to pray and fast. It is time to pray and fast, church. Be ready, be ready for my judgment is coming, especially against my church for foolish things. They are in apostasy embracing new age technics, and think it is from me. Israel fell into the same thing and did not repent and then was taken into captivity.

The clock is ticking, the clock is ticking, the clock is ticking, and about to run out. Things are going to accelerate, accelerate, accelerate like never before. I'm going to bring America down on its knees like I did Israel. America will have a chance to repent, and I've given many chances like I did Israel.

America was founded on God, but now it is like Sodom and Gomorrah. Turn your hearts back to me, turn your hearts back to me, turn your hearts back to me, quickly because many casualties are coming.

To those who receive my words and warnings from my chosen prophets who do not tickle the ears, they will be spared. The church, my church, the body it is Christ - worldwide is falling into the pit.

If this country does not repent, they will suffer from my catastrophic events! Then, I will take down America for good. The world will be glad for your falling. You are a prideful national. The only reason these events have not happened sooner is because you supported Israel.

Now I"'m upset for dividing Israel for their long-time enemy. Abraham had to live with covenant breakers. David had to deal with them, and today, Israel still dealing with the tribe of old.

Incline your ear to me, incline your ear to me. I will tell you when, where, and how to get out of the way.

Daughter, you are my scribe to the people to tell the church to listen to the prophets that do not tickle your ear or fall into the prosperity messages of today. I've already told them what is coming. They do not know the hour, but they know what is coming.

Church, get close to me on your knees, get close to me, get close to me. Allow me to come close to you so I can speak to you.

Do not ignore it like Israel did over and over and over again. Do not ignore it cause you could lose your life if you don't.

Change is coming quickly, like a whirlwind. Things will happen, and if you are not prepared spiritually, it will blow you off course. It will blow you off course. Those in apostasy chasing after movements like "Third Wave," "Power" and "Transformation" will be caught off guard, will be caught off guard becuase they did not heed and prepare spiritually. They will be in the wrong place, drunk in another spirit they think is of me. Many will die physically or spiritually for what is coming.

Many who have been healed in this revival will die from the coming plagues and diseases. Why? Because they were in strange fire. They want experience instead of my truth. They want riches and prosperity, but not my reality.

Tell the watchman to prepare to be on the wall. They will also hear and warn the people, but many will not heed what I"'m saying to the real prophets. Some will come out of the strange fire and repent. Many will not, and many will be lost and pulled away. Even my elect will fall away because of this peculiar fire and get into new age movement thinking it is of me.

Your iniquities have reached my nostrils to the point of discussion, like in Ezekial 33:14: "Again I say unto the wicked, thou shalt surely die if he turned.

Tyrus is coming, Tyrus is ckoming. Gog and Magog are coming. Gog and Magog are coming. They will launch things into the air at you. Those in the strange fire who don't heed my warnings will die. They will be a direct hit. They will have an immediate impact. They will be a direct hit. The bear is awake. He is in partnership with Persia and Tyrus. Watch and see, watch and see and watch and see what is coming your way.

The scent of abomination in witchcraft is excellent. That has reached my nostrils. How much more do you think I will put up with this? How much more am I going to allow sin to continue and enable witchcraft to take my people? How much more!

You were founded by God. I made away, and you turned your back on me. The church has found a strange fire and thinks it is of me.

Ex. 22:22 As silver is melted amid the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst there; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out my fury upon you, America... if you do not repent.

I'm coming after Witchcraft. Church, you have become bewitched, you have become bewitched, you have become bewitched talking to angels and thinking they are of me.

I will have places of safety for those who serve me and have inclined their ear to me. I will spare you, I will spare you, I will spare you.

Jeremiah 8:11-12 "For they have healed the hurt of my daughter of my people slightly saying Pace, peace when there is no peace. 12. Were they ashamed when they committed abominations (pornography, secret sins, abortion, witchcraft, etc.)? Nay, they were not at all ashamed; neither could they blush! Therefore shall they fall among them that fall; in the time of their visitation, they shall be cast down, saith the Lord."

Traci Morin
Touch of God International Ministries of Healing and Deliverance - Setting the Captives Free