Thursday, July 3, 2008


Be Not Deceived by False Prophets

Discern Real and False Revivals

(Matt. 24:24), "For false Christ and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect." This last warning even gives us a clue that such false "Christian" ministries and ministers will be able to perform many of the same "lying signs and wonders" foretold of the Antichrist. Such false ministers will employ great power, but it will be the paranormal power of the occult. It will be exercised to expressly lead both believers and unbelievers astray.

The Florida Outpouring – let us look at it!

The Florida outpouring racing around the globe at an unprecedented speed has an agenda. An agenda well hidden behind Christian-sounding words and phrases to quell the fears of suspicions and discerning sheep. It is a dark agenda planned for eternity and implemented with military precision. A plan to open you up to hidden wisdom, mystical experiences, and spirit guides in preparation for the coming “paradigm shift.” It is a plan to raise up a New Breed who will discard the old and arise to violently lay hold of the New Order Kingdom in which the church will rule and reign over the earth. It sounds good doesn’t it? I mean, it sounds plausible. Why, it even says Christian. However, this teaching, thinly veiled in Christian terms, is identical in every way to what the occultists, Gnostics, New Agers, and esoteric religions teach. However, just as we wrap a nasty pill in bacon to feed a dog his medicine, this teaching has been covered in something delicious to make it easier to swallow.


EMMA-O: King of Hell. He lives the good life in a giant castle covered in gold, silver, pearls, and jewels.

Galatians 1:8, "If we or an angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel unto you (than this Gospel (Gospel of Jesus Christ) that he (Apostle Paul) had preached), let him be accursed."

EMMA-0, The Lying demon that calls itself the angel that (it is claimed) ministered with Rev. William Branham, the famous faith healer who fell into much error before he died. He believed that he was god.

To gain a deeper understanding of these heretical teachings, we need to take a closer look. Todd Bentley, as you may or may not know, is closely associated with the disgraced Kansas City Prophets Paul Cain and Bob Jones.

Paul Cain, a self-professed and unrepentant homosexual and alcoholic, closely adhered to the Latter Rain teachings of heretic William Branham. Branham believed in UFOs, denied the Trinity, and believed that Eve and the serpent had sex. This is the same Branham who had a spirit guide or 'angel', that he claimed performed the healing miracles and believed was Elijah. Particularly alarming is the fact that Bentley now claims that he has been given Branham’s angel. Cain declared that Branham was "the greatest prophet in the 20th century."

Bob Jones was publically disgraced after having women disrobe in his office to receive prophetic ministry naked before the Lord. He is today regarded as one of the fathers of the Prophetic Movement and one of the main disseminators of Joel's Army, Kingdom Now, Dominionist, Manifest Sons of God, and New Breed, heresies. This is the same Bob Jones who claimed that prophets only needed to be 66 percent accurate because we had not evolved to the place where we could handle 100 percent truth. He also taught that the Kansas City Fellowship was the one true church and that all others would be assimilated into it. Bentley calls Jones his father in the faith.

So what is this doctrine they are disseminating in these modern-day revivals and outpourings? The primary tenant of their teaching is that Adam lost dominion over the earth in the Garden of Eden. They believe that the church’s mandate is to recover it. They eschew the hope of heaven and mock and deride Christians who believe in a literal rapture. 

Instead, they desire dominion here on earth. They think it is their suitable inheritance to rule, reign, dominate, and subdue. They want to rule the world and all its inhabitants. They aspire to purge the earth of its evil and bring everything under submission to their authority. What will happen to those who do not wish to be dominated? Simple- they will die. 

Of course, since they will be ruling and reigning here on Earth, there will be no need for rapture. In fact, some go so far as to say that it is the wicked that will be raptured. The evil is those who do not go along with this New Order, this cosmic Christ Consciousness, this evolution into Godhood.

So, who will lead us into the restoration of all things? Certainly not Jesus; no, they teach that it will be the newly restored Five-Fold- Priesthood. “The Five-fold Priesthood is supposed to emerge in the end times to restore the Church to perfection; Apostles, Prophets, and Teachers must prepare the way, like John the Baptist, for a new appearance of the Christ. Restoring the gifts and ministries to the Church is designed to bring it to "fullness." These authoritarian leaders will judge and purge the Church until it is one undivided Body in the earth. Thus, the Restoration churches have adopted a teaching more familiar to us as the Ascended Masters of the New Age, who come to lead us to spiritual transformation.”

These teachings and beliefs are blatantly Gnostic. The term Gnosticism comes from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “ultimate knowledge. It is neither religion nor philosophy but rather a collection of knowledge gathered through direct experience with the spirit world. The Gnostics teach that salvation is obtained through knowledge. Gnostics believe that the knowledge necessary for salvation has been revealed through Jesus Christ. 

They believe He was the pattern son, so to speak, to lead us into the “Cosmic Christ Consciousness,” where we will evolve to become God. Thus, according to the Gnostics, our salvation depends on knowledge and not on the shredding of Christ’s Blood for the remission of our sins. This sounds like the lie of the same serpent who told Eve that her eyes would be open and she would be like God if only she took the forbidden fruit.

The Gnostics hold that a spark of knowledge resides in an elite few. It is no coincidence that the Florida Outpouring was touched off in a church called Ignite. Liberation of this spark, they believe, only comes through knowledge of the divine. Salvation thus comes through the release of the spark from the body. Essentially, the modern Gnostic seeks “Cosmic Salvation” through the liberation of this spark. 

Only when these sparks have been liberated can the world evolve to Godhood. Essentially, the modern Gnostic is looking to perfect the world. They believe that they will literally co-create the conditions necessary for the second coming, which they think will not be a literal coming but will be the whole advent of the “Christ Consciousness” on earth. They do not need to look for a literal Christ since they believe they are Christ. 

Those who are unwilling to “evolve” (which, of course, would be all true blood-bought Christians) will be purged from the earth. This is identical to what the New Agers proclaim. “All who wish to enter the New Age 'on the physical plane must undergo an 'energy activation' or 'rebirth' - usually marked by a subjective trance-induced 'light experience' where one meets either a 'spirit guide' or one's 'higher self.'

This 'altered state of consciousness' will eventually lead to a 'Luciferic initiation' into the 'new humanity' or a vow of allegiance to Lucifer as god. Those who cannot or will not (not sufficiently developed in their spiritual journey) will be sent on to their next life in a global cleansing action' (Alice Bailey, 'The Rays and the Initiations' pp.754-755). Lucifer’s agenda is for the church to fall into this agenda of desiring and wanting this trance-induced ‘light experience that you think you are getting revelation from the Lord but, in sense, opening yourself up to the second heaven to a false angel of light (spirit guides known as angels) so that he can have your mind – mind control in the worse sense for the latter days.

How are they doing this? You empty your mind to receive revelation through contemplative prayer*, centering prayer*, inner healing modalities*, and soaking prayer*. All these modalities take you to an altered state of consciousness – theta brain waves and open you up to the second heaven, they say, third heaven. Why are so many falling into this? 

Power and revelation because they lack identity and want to elevate themselves as someone who is in the know and has seen or has been in the third heaven when they have not. Yes, you receive revelation, not God’s revelation but a false angel of light from the second heaven. 

A Christian becomes addicted to the experiences of ecstasy over truth and departs from truth – reading the word to experience. God is not a God of knowledge but truth and faith.

The thing that alarms me most is not that the Gnostics, New Agers, and occultic are speaking heretical mistruths. Indeed, we expect them to. The alarming thing is that these mistruths have leached into the soil of the Charismatic movement and spread their poisonous vines into mainline denominations. 

They are now being shed abroad by these so-called revivals and outpourings, which further propel their aggressive agenda. Is this a conspiracy theory? No, indeed, it is a conspiracy fact! These self-styled prophets and apostles are tightly networked and highly organized. 

They prophesy and declare things, then work behind the scenes to bring them to pass. One will predict, and the others back it up. One will lie, and the others swear to it. It is incredible to me that because of their efforts, what was once thought of as heretical and highly blasphemous is now accepted as fact.

What is behind it?

They are the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), and they are coming for your church. They are the reformers of the church, the new crusaders if you will, the gathers of the global church.
The new Apostolic Reformation (NAR) sprang from the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement. They claim that they have been given authority to lay the foundation for the “new” global church. They believe they are restored apostles called and ordained by God to be the government for the emerging “New Order” church. To maintain this governance, they stress strict obedience and submission to them. They claim they hear directly from God, and many claim that Jesus visits them in person. 

Like the biblical apostles who established the early church, these so-called restored apostles believe they are called to lay the foundation and government for the new Kingdom (one world church). Their goal is complete and utter control of the church and subjugation of its current governance to them. They want power, dominion, and total control. 

They genuinely believe that the world is awaiting the fulfillment of a takeover by a militant church (Joel’s Army) that will arise, govern, and dominate the world politically and spiritually. This is a highly organized group with a global agenda. It has been well thought out, well strategized, and will be implemented with military precision. The grid is in place - our future is planned.

The Kingdom Now theology (which the NAR ascribes to) believes that God lost control over the world to Satan when Adam and Eve sinned. Since then, the theology goes; that God has been trying to reestablish control over the world by seeking a “special” group of believers. Through these people — known as "covenant people," "overcomes," or "Joel's army," depending on the source — social institutions (including governments and laws) would be brought under God's authority. These "covenant people" or "overcomers" are "little gods" — God's "extension" in the world to regain sovereignty from the devil. The church, under the leadership of "restored" apostles and prophets, therefore must take over the world and put down all opposition to it before Christ can return. Anyone who rebels against the church, along with other "evildoers," must convert or be punished. No one is more central to this global takeover of the church than C. Peter Wagner. It might frighten you to know that through Wagner’s World Prayer Center (WPC) he is tracking thousands of ministries and churches.

Why is this groundwork being laid for a global network? To pave the way for the Apostolic Reformation in which apostles take control of the church and usher in the New Order church they call the kingdom of God.”

We know from the Word of God that there will be a one-world church and government. This one world government and church is not God’s. We know that the end of the days will be marked by deep deception, lying signs, and wonders like what is happening in Lakeland, Florida. In fact, the Bible says that the Antichrist will call fire down from Heaven. The Bible also says that God will send a powerful delusion to those who do not love the Truth but power so that they will believe a lie. If your only basis by which to judge whether a person or ministry is from God are signs and wonders, then sadly enough, you are already deceived.

How is all this happening? Could contemplative prayer be a big part of bringing mind control to the people?

Contemplative Spirituality: A belief system that uses ancient mystical practices to induce altered states of consciousness (the silence) and is rooted in mysticism and the occult but often wrapped in Christian terminology. The premise of contemplative spirituality is pantheistic (God is all) and panentheistic (God is in all).

Therefore, the word means literally to escape from thought. Any word repeated endlessly over and over loses its meaning, the conscious mind tunes out, and an altered state of consciousness begins. This is how mystics (and now Christians!) enter a trance.

After a while, unusual things begin to happen in this altered state. Some report bright lights, some hear music, but all document the realization that a strongly felt presence exists. This experience goes by the New Age names of cosmic consciousness, enlightenment, self-realization, awakening, transcending, visions and feelings of going places, seeing things, etc.

Sometimes, a presence manifests and is seen; sometimes, only a voice speaks out. Sometimes, the presence claims to be an ancient entity, a being from another planet, one of the apostles or disciples, or even Jesus Christ himself. One woman told me that her presence, Jesus, was a goat with a man's face and horns. It scared her, and she wanted to be free of this presence, which became more and more demanding, even when she was not meditating!

Some just feel a presence, and there is silence, but they feel one with the universe. Some report a strange presence taking over their body, complete with tingles and ecstasy feelings like a rush.

But many people also believe that the spiritual principles underlying the New Age movement will soon be incorporated--or rather reincorporated--into the mainstream of Catholic belief. In fact, it's happening in the United States right now.

Guess who got the ball rolling? None other than Pope Paul and Catholic Trappist Monastic Order members in the 1970s. These monks went east and studied under the Hindu monks on meditation. One of their leading teachers, Thomas Keating, said:

The Pontiff declared that unless the Church rediscovered the contemplative tradition, renewal couldn't take place. He specifically called upon the monastics because they lived the contemplative life to help the laity, and those in other religious orders also brought that dimension into their lives.

The latest official catechism of the Catholic Church now officially endorses and promotes contemplative meditation, saying, Contemplative prayer is hearing the word of God... Contemplative prayer is Silence.

Now, there is a direct contradiction! How, pray tell, can one hear the word of God when one's mind is empty and silent!!?

Next, the movement spread to the mainline protestant churches, dry and hungry for something supernatural, and from them into the Evangelical Churches, and lately into the Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches, always looking for some new experience.

To get this blatantly New Age, Eastern mysticism past folks believing the Bible, it was necessary to try to Christianize it. One scripture was found: Be still and know that I am God. Seems to fit until you realize that we are told to be still to reflect on God, not empty our minds! We will deal with what Bible meditation is later; it is nothing like the empty silence of the altered mind. God’s way is active, and satan’s way is passive.

Searching for some Christian link-up between contemplative meditation and the Church, it is reported that in the early Middle Ages there was a group called the Desert Fathers. They wished to devote their lives entirely to God without distraction. They were the ones who first promoted the mantra as a prayer tool.

You cannot sit at the table of the Lord and the table of demons. (1 Cor. 10:21) Paul spoke of the pagan mystics of his day as the table of demons. He wanted the Body of Christ to be free of contamination. We need to heed this warning today.

And when you pray, do not use meaningless repetition, as the Gentiles do, for they suppose they will be heard for their many words. Therefore, do not be like them.... (Mat. 6:9 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. (Psalms 19:14).

This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous and have success. (Joshua 1:8).

If Bible meditation sounds nothing like contemplative prayer, you are right. Bible meditation is a filling of the mind with the things of God. Silent contemplative prayer with a mantra or soaking prayers empties the mind. This allows for control by spirit guides. 

This Eastern type of meditation may offer some relief from anxiety. Still, it is a temporary escape, much like taking a pill every day for a headache, which in reality is caused by a brain tumor. The root cause of the problem is not dealt with. So, contemplative prayer treats the symptoms of the human problem with band-aid solutions but never deals with the root cause, namely sin and separation from God.

Also, seeking experiences like contemplative prayer indicates basic laziness in the life of the Christian. Too often today, Christians do not want to read and study the word of God. This requires effort on their part. To meditate God's way, they would have to know what God says in His word. What ends up happening is an addiction to feelings and departing from God’s word.

In John 8:31-32 Jesus said, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

The Body of Christ is facing the most horrendous, Satanic, and demonic confrontation than at any other time in history. It will be a time of intensified spiritual warfare where demons will manifest themselves and will fight in direct confrontation with God's people. The Lord Jesus told us in (Matt. 10:22), "And ye shall be hated of all men for. My name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." And then in (Matt. 6:33), He said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . . . "

When you realize that Todd Bentley spent hours a day in contemplative or soaking prayer, does it make sense why he is in touch with angels that seem like angels of light when they are spirit guides or angels of darkness instead of the second heavens?

Do you believe Satan can heal today as well? Doesn’t it say in Matt. 24:24, "For false Christ and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

Don’t you think Todd Bentley is deceived and is deceiving many people today?

Traci Morin
Touch of God International Ministries of Healing and Deliverance - A Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from bondages

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Time is Short

Time is short. It is time to get a strategy in prayer.

This revival is false and not of God. They will be blinded to the time and drunk and unprepared for what is coming. They will be caught off guard.

It is the time to prepare spiritually. It is time to prepare spiritually, church. It is time time to pray and against. It is time to pray and fast. It is time to pray and fast, church. Be ready, be ready for my judgment is coming, especially against my church for foolish things. They are in apostasy embracing new age technics, and think it is from me. Israel fell into the same thing and did not repent and then was taken into captivity.

The clock is ticking, the clock is ticking, the clock is ticking, and about to run out. Things are going to accelerate, accelerate, accelerate like never before. I'm going to bring America down on its knees like I did Israel. America will have a chance to repent, and I've given many chances like I did Israel.

America was founded on God, but now it is like Sodom and Gomorrah. Turn your hearts back to me, turn your hearts back to me, turn your hearts back to me, quickly because many casualties are coming.

To those who receive my words and warnings from my chosen prophets who do not tickle the ears, they will be spared. The church, my church, the body it is Christ - worldwide is falling into the pit.

If this country does not repent, they will suffer from my catastrophic events! Then, I will take down America for good. The world will be glad for your falling. You are a prideful national. The only reason these events have not happened sooner is because you supported Israel.

Now I"'m upset for dividing Israel for their long-time enemy. Abraham had to live with covenant breakers. David had to deal with them, and today, Israel still dealing with the tribe of old.

Incline your ear to me, incline your ear to me. I will tell you when, where, and how to get out of the way.

Daughter, you are my scribe to the people to tell the church to listen to the prophets that do not tickle your ear or fall into the prosperity messages of today. I've already told them what is coming. They do not know the hour, but they know what is coming.

Church, get close to me on your knees, get close to me, get close to me. Allow me to come close to you so I can speak to you.

Do not ignore it like Israel did over and over and over again. Do not ignore it cause you could lose your life if you don't.

Change is coming quickly, like a whirlwind. Things will happen, and if you are not prepared spiritually, it will blow you off course. It will blow you off course. Those in apostasy chasing after movements like "Third Wave," "Power" and "Transformation" will be caught off guard, will be caught off guard becuase they did not heed and prepare spiritually. They will be in the wrong place, drunk in another spirit they think is of me. Many will die physically or spiritually for what is coming.

Many who have been healed in this revival will die from the coming plagues and diseases. Why? Because they were in strange fire. They want experience instead of my truth. They want riches and prosperity, but not my reality.

Tell the watchman to prepare to be on the wall. They will also hear and warn the people, but many will not heed what I"'m saying to the real prophets. Some will come out of the strange fire and repent. Many will not, and many will be lost and pulled away. Even my elect will fall away because of this peculiar fire and get into new age movement thinking it is of me.

Your iniquities have reached my nostrils to the point of discussion, like in Ezekial 33:14: "Again I say unto the wicked, thou shalt surely die if he turned.

Tyrus is coming, Tyrus is ckoming. Gog and Magog are coming. Gog and Magog are coming. They will launch things into the air at you. Those in the strange fire who don't heed my warnings will die. They will be a direct hit. They will have an immediate impact. They will be a direct hit. The bear is awake. He is in partnership with Persia and Tyrus. Watch and see, watch and see and watch and see what is coming your way.

The scent of abomination in witchcraft is excellent. That has reached my nostrils. How much more do you think I will put up with this? How much more am I going to allow sin to continue and enable witchcraft to take my people? How much more!

You were founded by God. I made away, and you turned your back on me. The church has found a strange fire and thinks it is of me.

Ex. 22:22 As silver is melted amid the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst there; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out my fury upon you, America... if you do not repent.

I'm coming after Witchcraft. Church, you have become bewitched, you have become bewitched, you have become bewitched talking to angels and thinking they are of me.

I will have places of safety for those who serve me and have inclined their ear to me. I will spare you, I will spare you, I will spare you.

Jeremiah 8:11-12 "For they have healed the hurt of my daughter of my people slightly saying Pace, peace when there is no peace. 12. Were they ashamed when they committed abominations (pornography, secret sins, abortion, witchcraft, etc.)? Nay, they were not at all ashamed; neither could they blush! Therefore shall they fall among them that fall; in the time of their visitation, they shall be cast down, saith the Lord."

Traci Morin
Touch of God International Ministries of Healing and Deliverance - Setting the Captives Free

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Terrorist Are Coming

Terrorist Are Coming To Texas in So Many Years

Dream - 6/18/08

I was on a mission with this guy to stop a terrorist bomb attack in Austin, Texas; this guy was part of a government system to prevent terrorist groups. I was unsure why I was with him, who he was, or precisely what he looked like, except I was with him. While in Austin, we did find the terrorist who was planning to ignite a bomb in Austin (I do remember that it seemed as though he wrestled with this terrorist guy), but it was too late, and we had 20 minutes to get out of Austin before the bomb went off. 

We were heading back to Dallas, and I remember I was in a blue car made in the 70s – a muscle car. For some reason, this guy I was with had a team chasing down the terrorist in Dallas, and he was talking to them on the radio; through the conversation, the Dallas team looking for the terrorist had not found the terrorist group. On our way back to Dallas, I noticed a cloud rising above Dallas, and he got a call from the group in Dallas group that they did not find the terrorist in Dallas in time. I could see the amber smoke rising above in the distance. The guy I was with had tape and plastic in the car, and we pulled off on the side of the road to tape the windows up because of radioactive fallout. He was talking to someone on the radio who was telling us where to go west of Fort Worth to stay there for the next two weeks because of radioactive fallout. I then woke up.

These Terrorists will increase all over the world, then to America, to Dallas. We do not fight flesh and blood. God can stop this through our prayers. Eventually, these terrorists will come from America's enemies - Russia, Islam nations - Iran, Venezuela, China, and terrorist proxies. I felt in my spirit what happens in Austin will happen throughout our nations at different times and seasons. 

The Lord is allowing trouble to purify the church. Pay attention to our enemies that have or soon will have nuclear capability. 

Another Time, I had a vision. This vision was at our borders. As America becomes weaker and possibly collapses, the drug lords from Mexico and other enemies of the Unites States will fill our streets with guns and kill. We will have no control of our borders. What the Lord told me is to pray before you leave the house. I will direct your path to where to go and not to go. 

Interpretation of the Dream About Terrorists Are Coming

Traci, Your prayers are beneficial because you are given a powerful intercession dream of the enemy's plan. There is a newness coming to the government of heaven for earthly purposes, so the enemy will try to play havoc on the government literally. He will also try to disguise and cause confusion in the process. Again, this is to pray for the unveiling attempts of darkness on Texas, especially Austin and Dallas. There is a vital prophecy that revival fires will ignite in Dallas this is likely a sign of the enemy trying to destroy it before it happens. He is a liar, and no weapon formed against God's people will prosper. Blessings, Shirley Sexton.